Short Term Memory Test

This test is based on the theories as described in this URL :

This test intends to mainly measure short term memory and as a secondary measurement cognitive capabilities as a part of intelligence. The test has 3 experiments and takes approximately 5 to 10 minutes to complete. 

This test consists of a single experiment repeated three times. The experiment shows 8 cards (as in the game of memory) which are turned by the computer in a specific interval and in the order they are presented on screen. The candidate then has to choose from a list of 20 cards which 8 cards were shown. The computer will randomly choose the cards shown. 

In the first phase each card is shown for 2 seconds. In the second phase each card is shown 1.2 seconds. In the third phase each card is shown 0.7 seconds. 

This test is intended for adults, does not have norms, and is designed to be culture free, suitable for international use and prepared for automatic machine translation. 

Start The Test

Use the following URLs to start this test. 

You can also copy one of these URLs in an e-mail to a candidate. When the candidate has finished the test a URL is presented that they can forward to a consultant. The consultant can then review the test results with this URL. 

Short Term Memory Test in English

Short Term Memory Test in Dutch / Nederlands